Ming Tang - NHS Visit
On Friday 13th December South Charnwood hosted a representative of the NHS, Ming Tang. Ming has worked for the NHS for 14 years and is the Chief Data and Analytics Officer for NHS England. She has won numerous accolades, including DataIQ's most influential person in data analytics. One of the projects that Ming leads is a 10 year NHS project designed to centralise data streams through all NHS trusts into a new app that will be accessible to everyone. Linked to this, she is also heading a project that is trialling a new way of linking data analytics to genomics. This involves sequencing the DNA of 300,000 babies (with the parent’s permission), designing and testing interventions and medical treatments that can be specifically tailored to a person's genome and having all this linked through a new NHS app.
Pupils in year 10 and 11 had to debate the ethics of this new project through a persona designed by the NHS. After this the pupils then had the opportunity for a short Q&A session and 1:1 discussions about career opportunities.
The pupils were fantastic, engaged and represented the school very well. We hope that Ming will make a return visit in the near future.