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Pupil Wellbeing & Support

Below you will find details of services that you will find useful to help deal with any issues you may be experiencing while at school and/or personally.

The 0-19 Healthy Together Service has been split into two services and is now running as the following:

  • 0-11 (up until year 6 of primary school): Healthy Together – delivered by Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
  • 11+: Teen Health 11-19 Service – delivered by Leicestershire County Council (see below)


Teen Health

We have a service based in school called Teen Health. Teen Health work with young people aged 11-19 on three key areas:

  • Mental and emotional wellbeing (self-esteem, body image, resilience etc.)
  • Healthy relationships (friendships, bullying, violence etc.)
  • Risky behaviours (substance and alcohol misuse).

Our allocated worker, Lisa Preston, will be at South Charnwood High School every Wednesday delivering workshops, 1-1s and lunchtime drop ins.

Teen Health is a universal service that is focused on both prevention and early intervention.

Priorities include:

Support to improve mental health and emotional wellbeing with a focus on: 

  • Self esteem
  • Body image
  • Building resilience

Supporting healthy relationships: 

  • Building positive relationships
  • Reduce violence in intimate relationships
  • Promoting positive sexual health and wellbeing

Supporting children and young people to make healthier choices with a focus on: 

  • Reducing substance misuse particularly cannabis use
  • Reducing alcohol consumption

Referrals can be made by the school, by a parent, professionals including GPs and directly by the young person. All referrals must be made with the consent of the child or young person, or their parent or carer (if appropriate).

Teen Health Referral Form

Emotional and Mental Wellbeing Support

Do not feel like you are alone, many people struggle with mental health and can relate to what you are going through. Speak to a friend or a family member or someone you can confide in. There are free services like the Samaritans where you can speak to them about what you are struggling with.

Personal development/ learning about yourself

Learning about yourself and learning how to improve can make a big difference to how you feel day to day. Learning about yourself gives you greater self awareness, understanding the things that put you in a bad mood and the things that make you feel good. This can help you include more of the good activities that you enjoy in your day and reduce the activities that make you feel negative.

Planning and Preparation

A lot of stress can be reduced just by having a plan and a routine. Giving yourself extra minutes of thinking space can really make a big difference. A lot of us are going through the days planning as we go which can be very difficult for some of us. However, simply having a plan before the start for day can set your intentions and your goals and can provide you with a lot more direction.


Eating a good balanced diet makes more of a difference to how you feel than you would think. Just skipping breakfast can lead to a bad day, and how many of us do that! Having a healthy balanced diet gives you everything you need, making your body feel better but also your mind.


The links between physical fitness and mental health are well established. Keeping fit and exercising can boost your moods massively. Do not feel like   you have to start big! Start small, maybe a 5 minute jog a day or even some star jumps! There are also online classes which in the current climate are now more available.


If you do not know where to start, a website recommended by Lisa Preston (Teen Health) and Mrs Ackland (SCHS Mental Health & Wellbeing Practitioner) is Stem4. Stem4 has a wealth of easy to navigate information covering many topics.

Helpful Contacts

  • Health for Teens - health, lifestyle and relationships 
  • Supportline - confidential emotional support
  • Mind - Mental health.
  • Childline - 0800 1111
  • Young Minds - Young people's mental health.
  • Time to Change - Mental health.
  • Anna Freud - Young people's mental health.
  • The Mix - Support service for young people.
  • LSH - Sexual health.
  • NHS CYPMHS - Young people's mental health support. 
  • NHS inourplace - Free online courses that will help you support your teenager with emotional and mental health.
  • Snow Camp - Free virtual mental health service for young people  
  • The Centre - LGBT support
  • Self Harm - Samaritans online
  • Calm Harm - Self harm help and advice 
  • Chat help - Anonymous messaging with health care professionals
  • Latest HBSSPAN Health & Wellbeing Newsletter for Pupils
  • The Mix - Whether you’re 13, 25, or any age in between, we’re here to take on the embarrassing problems, weird questions, and please-don’t-make-me-say-it-out-loud thoughts you have. We give you the information and support you need to deal with it all. Because you can. Because you’re awesome. We’ll connect you to experts and your peers who’ll give you the support and tools you need to take on any challenge you’re facing. We’re a free and confidential multi-channel service. That means that you choose how you access our support, without the worry of anyone else finding out.


Shout is the UK’s first free 24/7 text service for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help.

Suicide helplines

  • Papyrus - 0800 068 4141
  • The Samaritans - 116 123
  • Harmless - Self harm and suicide prevention
  • Students Against Depression - Developed in consultation with pupils who have been affected by depression, low mood or suicidal thoughts. Many of their stories and suggestions are included on the site. 

Eating disorders